Heaphy Track
The past 4 days and 3 nights were spent on the Heaphy Track, one of New Zealand’s “Great Walks,” 10 well-maintained tramping (hiking) and mountain-biking trails throughout both North and South Islands.
[Note: I was a little confused by this, but I think tramping and trekking are the same thing. Tramping is the New Zealand-specific word for “a person who walks for long distances in rough country for recreation,” (i.e., a crazy person). Trekking, according to my Apple dictionary, means to “go on a long arduous journey, typically on foot.” A hiker is a tramper’s littlest brother, as hiking simply means, “the activity of going for long walks, especially in the country or woods.” Nothing about rough country in that definition!]
The km/miles/distances seemed to be a little wonky, so above is a real GPS map (not recorded by me, my watch died in the midst) of the entire Heaphy Track, beginning at Brown Hut and ending at Kōhaihai Shelter. The last 1/3 of the trek was right along the Pacific Ocean, which was a welcome site after a grueling few days. Those sandflies, though… I just want to put a quote here from the OG captain (OC), Cpt. Cook, when he explored this area many moons ago, 1773:
The most mischievous animal here is the small black sandfly which are exceedingly numerous and are so troublesome that they exceed everything of the kind I ever met with, wherever they light they cause a swelling and such intolerable itching that it is not possible to refrain from scratching and at last ends in ulcers like the small Pox.
Indeed, they are itchier then mosquitoes and really get you around the ankles. The only way to avoid them is to not stop moving, which makes stopping to catch your breath or appreciate the scenery a little tricky. However! I have discovered a miracle potion called “Bonjela,” a NZ mouth ulcer remedy that is supposed to work wonders on itchy sandfly bites? I am going to get some at the next pharmacy or supermarket I see.
And now,
Day 1: Brown Hut to Perry Saddle Hut (17.5km)
The Heaphy takes a little bit of planning. This shuttle got us from Nelson, NZ on the northern coast to the Brown Hut parking lot (about a 4 hour drive including some other stops), then another bus picked us up at the end of the Heaphy and dropped us off at Westport (about a 2 hour drive). Some people then took another bus back to Nelson, which makes for an insanely long day.
Day 2: Perry Saddle Hut to James Mackay Hut (24.2km)
Is this post long enough yet? I’ll save the 2nd half for later.